ERASMUS International Dimension

The International Graduate School of LogDynamics (IGS) has been partner in several projects funded by the European Commission (EU) since 2012. Currently, we are partner of SSAPI - Strategic Support for Accreditation of Programs and Internationalization at South Asian Higher Education Institutes (HEIs), a Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) project, funded by the EU. The Erasmus+ CBHE action supports international cooperation projects based on multilateral partnerships between organisations active in the field of higher education. SSAPI started in January 2021 and receives funding for a duration of three year. Partner HEIs are from Bhutan, the Maldives, Pakistan, Portugal and Sri Lanka.


ERASMUS MUNDUS has been a mobility program of the EU, coordinated by EACEA. The IGS was partner in three ERASMUS MUNDUS projects: cLINK, FUSION and gLINK. These projects were offering undergraduate and master students, doctoral and post-doctoral research fellows, as well as academic and administrative staff the chance to gain valuable experience, knowledge and establish networking contacts in higher education institutions (HEI) of Asia and Europe.